Alleged UFO Crashes

This section contains data and notes about reported UFO crashes that have occurred. Additionally, this section will contain any information regarding retrieved craft whether it was abandoned, or wrecked. There is new information popping up at the moment regarding this topic. We are looking forward to having to update this section with new data!.

Trinity UFO Crash, 1945 – Egg Shaped, crashed into an on-site antenna.

Linis UFO Crash, Italy 1933 – During Mussolini’s dictatorship. Italy, kept it until 1944. Tank shaped and described with a sort of nozzle on the back side. Crashed in Magenta Italy according to one witness.

Aurora, Texas UFO Crash April 19,1897 – Ship destroyed in explosion after crashing with windmill. One dead biologics with documents with strange symbols. Well water was supposedly poisoned.

Cape Girardeau Missouri, 1941 – Local sheriff calls priest for last rites. 3 bodies pulled from a disk like object. Described as short with big black eyes.

Dundy Country Nebraska UFO Crash, 1884 – June 6th 2 males, see fireball coming down. John Ellis finds it. Alf Williamson suffered injuries for getting too close to it. Object was cylindrical and 60ft long. Craft supposedly melted during a reign. One person has taken responsibility that this was a hoax.

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